Strummerville - Christmas Benefit Party
** Joe Strummer foundation **
Sunday 21st December
@ The Tabernacle
Powis Square, London, W11 2AY
Admission: £10
Doors: 6.30pm
The Rotten Hill Gang // The Riff-Raff // Dan Smith // The Savage Nomads
Jaguar Skills // Oscar The Punk // Fang // James Smith
London calling to the underworld…
Strummerville does Christmas at The Tabernacle in West London on Sunday December 21st, bringing a night of excellent music to your festive ears… On the eve of Joe Strummer’s death we celebrate Christmas in a way he would have loved – with Live Bands and DJs.
Come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls…
www.myspace.com/officialrottenhillgang - The Rotten Hill Gang
www.myspace.com/therealriffraff - The Riff-Raff
www.myspace.com/danielsmithsmusic - Dan Smith
www.myspace.com/thesavagenomads - The Savage Nomads
www.myspace.com/jagskills - Jaguar Skills
www.myspace.com/oscarthepunk - Oscar The Punk
This is a benefit gig with proceeds going towards the Strummerville Foundation
About Strummerville:
Set up by friends and family of Joe Strummer in the year after his death, the Strummerville charity seeks to reflect The Clash front-man, Joe Strummer’s, unique contribution to the music world by offering support resources and performance opportunities to artists who would not normally have access to them.
Strummerville Calling – a window inside:
For more information about our current work and future projects
Strummerville Registered Charity Number: 1104165
Strummerville - Christmas Benefit Party
Sunday 21st December @ The Tabernacle
Powis Square, London, W11 2AY
Admission: £10 / ADVANCE TICKETS: 0871 271 5151
Doors: 6.30pm
Live: The Rotten Hill Gang // The Riff-Raff // Dan Smith // The Savage Nomads
DJ: Jaguar Skills // Oscar The Punk // Fang // James Smith
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