Artist: Various Artists
Title: Systematic Colours Vol. 2 - mixed by Marc Romboy
Cat.: SYST0009-2
Label: Systematic Recordings
Release date: 17.04.2008
After the successful first edition of "Systematic Colours Vol.1" which was compiled and mixed by Stephan Bodzin, it´s now time for the label boss himself, Marc Romboy.
Systematic Recordings was founded almost five years ago with its first release "Everyday in my life" by Marc Romboy in collaboration with Booka Shade. More than 50 releases by a lot of well known electric activists like John Dahlback, Blake Baxter, Phonique, Dusty Kid, Robert Babicz and Gui Boratto followed so that Systematic Recordings became one of the worldwide most reviewed and respected electronic label imprint from Germany.
Plenty of interesting album releases from arists like John Dahlback, Robert Babicz and Chelonis R. Jones followed alongside Marc´s two self produced albums "Gemini" and "Contrast".
Now it´s definitely time to celebrate this all and therefore Marc has created a representative potpourrie of sixteen special Systematic songs in exactly 80 minutes. Cheers!
1.) Marc Romboy V Chelonis R. Jones -Helen Cornell (Stefan Goldmann Version)
2.) Ante Perry Vs. Babylon Robots - 3 a.m.
3.) Audio Soul Project - Taking shape (Version 2)
4.) Dimitri Andreas - Run and hide (Afrilounge Remix)
5.) Stephan Bodzin Vs. Marc Romboy - Callisto
6.) Stephan Bodzin Vs. Marc Romboy - Telesto
7.) Ante Perry Vs. Babylon Robots - Der Urknall
8.) Marc Romboy Vs. Blake Baxter - The club (Version 1)
9.) Hugo & Daniele Papini - Softuer
10.) Robert Babicz - Sin (Gui Boratto Remix)
11.) John Dahlbäck - Now it´s not summer (Stephan Bodzin Remix)
12.) Spirit Catcher - High control
13.) Marc Romboy Vs. Gui Boratto - Eurasia (Marc´s Mix)
14.) Dusty Kid - Milk
15.) D-Nox & Beckers - Alphavella
16.) Marc Romboy - Karambolage (Oxia Remix)

1 comment:
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