Tucker - total genius... never seen a person do so many things at once, or anything like it; he plays loads of instruments, licks a theramin, sets things alight, drops in 60s samples and does acrobatic shit too. http://www.myspace.com/tuckerelectone

Riddim Saunter - their live show has crazy energy going down... the drummer is possibly mental - in a really amazing way... they played on the end of the pier and then got serious with the fairground rides. http://www.myspace.com/riddimsaunter

80Kidz - their music is very hot right now. they look as good as they sound. http://www.myspace.com/80kidz

De De Mouse... woow, he's in a category all of his own. like a japanese Aphex Twin. Personally v shocked of what he is capable of (not easily shocked) http://www.myspace.com/dedemouse
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