In The Dark Of The Night
(DFA 2235)
The one-two kick drum beat that starts "In the Dark of the Night" functions as a bit of a tease. Instead of just establishing the languid pace of the track, it has the power of suggestion, and its stark nakedness raises the question of just what will happen when the music fully launches. When, a few seconds later, a punch-drunk, flanging keyboard enters the procession, it's the first clue that we are in for an off-kilter ride; the sauntering bassline that next appears adds a springy, funk bounce. But it's the tripped-out, multi-tracked vocals of Fernando Miranda Rios – a.k.a. Michoacan, the producer behind this slow reveal – that give the song its peculiar, space-y vibe; it's a bit like David Byrne with funk aspirations. Taken altogether – and there is plenty more, including tinkling piano notes; bits of percussion; and electrical washes – there's a vaguely cosmic feel. The song coalesces, using funk to lure you to the dance floor, then intoxicating you to keep you there.

The Side B re-mix – courtesy of Italy's Clap Rules – actually feels like more of a re-build: The song has been taken apart and put back together with all brand new parts. Instead of the more relaxed, dazed funk at the core of the original, it's a glittery, disco ball-splattered track with funk elements scattered here and there, and glossy keys all around.
"In the Dark of the Night" is Michoacan's debut DFA release. He has already created music for Grayhound, Headinghome, Lektroluvv, Smash Hit Music Co., Speak Recordings, Bearfunk and Tiny Sticks.
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