Thursday, December 16, 2010

Discodeine presents 'Discodeine' - album coming 2011 on Dirty / Pschent

Discodeine presents Discodeine
ALBUM OUT March 2011

some FACTS about DISCODEINE'S FIRST album:

DISCODEINE = PILOOSKI + PENTILE. The two french musicians have separately released some acclaimed records in the last past years (Pentile was involved in Octet and France Copland, Pilooski has remixed LCD Soundsystem, Mystery Jets, Bryan
Ferry) before finding a mutual ground in 2007 around their love for sci-fi movies, weird club music and south western French cooking style.

DISCODEINE IS SIGNED ON FRENCH IMPRINT DIRTY, home label of the well known « Dirty edits » (a collaborative project between Pilooski and Dirty Sound System) and some other cool and weird compilations projects.

DISCODEINE have already released 6 acclaimed eps, the last one, 'Synchronize' featuring Jarvis Cocker, was released with DFA, home label of LCD Soundsystem in the US. Their eps have been supported by a wide range of musicians and DJs, such
as Busy P, Simian Mobile Disco, Ivan Smagghe, Ewan Pearson, Erol Alkan, Chloé, Prins Thomas, Mickey Moonlight, Aeroplane and James Murphy.

SOME CLASSY DISCODEINE REMIXES have been released in the past years: Metronomy, Whomadewho, Photonz, Yelle, Villeneuve...

DISCODEINE'S FIRST ALBUM features some international guests such as Jarvis Cocker from Pulp, Baxter Dury and Matias Aguayo from Comeme / Closer Musik.

DISCODEINE is about club music and intensity, pop songs, voodoo, chicago house, futuristic disco, jackin' techno, analog basslines, ring modulation, krautdisco, mascarpone and chianti.

Discodeine Tracklisting

1.Singular (Feat Matias Aguayo)
2. Falkenberg
3.D-A (Feat Dury)
4. Antiphonie
5. Ring Mutilation
6. Depression Skint
7. Grace
8. Homo-Compatible
9. Relaps
10. Invert
11. Synchronize (feat Jarvis Cocker)
12. Figures In A Soundscape

DISCODEINE will be ready to tour clubs and festivals from spring 2011.

- "Extension EP" (Dirty / 2010)
- "Synchronize EP" (DFA / 2010)
- "Singular EP" (Dirty 2010)
- "Tom Select EP" (Dirty 2009)
- "Joystick / Homo-compatible" (Dirty 2008)
- "Texas Gladiators" (Dirty 2008)

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