Fetisch & Me
1. ‘The Calling’
2. ‘Useless Man’
Released: 18 January 2008
Gigolo Recordings
Distributed by: NEWS
Fetisch & Me return to Hell’s Gigolo for their second joint EP release with ‘The Calling / Useless Man’ - techno for the strong / words for the dirty minded.
Fetisch & Me are the production team behind Terranova and more recently The Lotterboys / Girls. The duo have released for labels including R&S, Eskimo, TNT, Island Records and !K7, with their first collaboration EP for Gigolo released early 2008 with ‘Diskotecktonik / Black Palms’. Fetisch (under the name The Cosmonauts Of Innerspace) also independently released the ‘Allergy’ EP on Gigolo previously, as well as working with Gigolo’s Princess Superstar and being a regular member to the Gigolo family.
‘The Calling’ aims directly for the peak dancefloor; they shoot they score. Forward pushing, dubby techo that makes you want to feel the pulse and vibration from all angles.
‘Useless Man’ is a nothing-held-back, sexual, lyrical diss towards the ‘Useless Man’ – originally written for the lesbians that went to the ‘Fist’ club that Leigh Bowery and Minty used to frequent in the UK. Fetisch & Me’s version of ‘Useless Man’ rolls into layered chords and heads-down, musical arrangements that build and drop in all the right places.
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