DJ Pierre
*'I've lost control' coming soon on Gigolo
1) I've Lost Control by DJ Pierre AKA Tha Master Blaster - Wild PiTcH Mix/Afro Acid Mix - Gigolo
2) Deadly Grooves by Timo Garcia - Original Mix/DJ M-TRAXXX Deadly Dub - Afro Acid Plastik
3) Control by Dataworx - Original Mix - Dataworx Digital
4) Gotta Have some fun by Steve Mac - Original Mix - Sci+Tech Digital Audio
5) Church Of Nonsense by Daniele Papini - Original Mix - Big In Ibiza (UMM)
6) Edding 850 by Format B - original Mix - Highgrade Records
7) Mystic Eye Ep by Woody Mcbride - Mystic Eye Mix - Decoded Records
8) Focalization by Kozin - Original Mix - Telepathy Digital
9) GrindHouse By Radio Slave Feat. Danton Eeprom - DubFire Terror Planet Remix - Dataworx Digital
10) Rej by AME - ATFC'sTwin Cherry Edit - Defected

Daniele Papini
* Hugo & Daniele 'Nice to meet you' ep coming soon on Systematic - 50th release!
Mathias Kaden Perclue Grubenstrasse Zuerich rec.
Matt Star Kuehle Fluege (Hugo remix) Cdr
Daniele Papini Church of nonsense Alchemy rec.
Hugo & Daniele Papini Arduer Systematic rec.
Roman Flügel & Sven Väth Trashbin Dance Cocoon rec.
Shonky Time Zero (Mathias Kaden vas-y gamin rmx) Freak N Chic rec.
Paul Ritch Split Quartz rec.
Marc Romboy Sonora (Hugo remix) Sytematic rec.
Daniele Papini GV2 Cdr
Hugo & Daniele Papini Physical Systematic rec.
Minilogue Snake Charmer Wagon Repair rec.
Kenny Larkin Dark Disco Rushhour rec.
Martinez Retrospective 3rd Floor rec.
Matt Nortstrom Lucky Drawls - Mark Broom's No Rave Stab Mix Saved
Agaric & Adam Beyer California Gold Drumcode rec.
Luca Bacchetti
*Afrikaans ep out NOW on Ovum
Ryan Crosson | Confiteria del mondo | Wagon Repair
Luca Bacchetti | City Souls | Tenax Recordings
Luca Bacchetti | Afrikaans | Ovum
Mathias Kaden | Purclue | Gs
Reboot | vandong | Below
Uto Karem | trentatre | Sci+Tec
Martin Buttrich | I lost my wallet | Cocoon
Samklang | Ich zeig dir wie Luca Bacchetti remix | Snork Enterprises
Onur Ozer | Eclipse Loco Dice remix | Vakant
Terrence Dixon | Below Mathias Kaden remix | Children of Tomorrow
M.a.n.d.y. Booka Shade | Oh superman Robag Wruhme remix | Get Physical
Luca Bacchetti | El matador | Ovum
Dubfire & Oliver Huntemann | Dios | Coccon

*d-nox and beckers 'son of a pitch' out now on systematic
01 - Anthony Middleton - Underneath The Sky ° Saw Recordings
02 - Soulrack - Go Hamilton (2000 And One & Dave Ellesmere Rmx)° Cray1 Labworks
03 - Daniel Dreier - Horny ° Sender Records
04 - Maetrik - Crawl Machine ° Mothership
05 - Alter Ego - Jolly Joker (Supermayer Remix) ° Toptrax
06 - Freakslum - Quantto ° Bosporus Underground
07 - Sebastian Lutz - La Danca (Broombeck Remix) ° Big City Beats
08 - Paul Ritch - Crazy Madness (Luca Bacchetti Remix) ° SCI & TEC Digital Audio
09 - Ralf Sliwinski - Pox Box (Johnny D Remix) ° Sushitec
10 - Rogue Element - Panic Attacks (King Roc mix 2) ° CD-R
11 -Llario Alicante - Vacaciones en Chile ° Tenax
12 -Alison Marks - Yellow Cherry (Tigerskin Remix) ° Lichen Records
13- Soundexile - Child Of Revolution (Dousk Remix) ° Sprout
14 -DJ Zombi & Astronovio - Anything You Want (Original Mix) ° Sprout
1 comment:
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